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Automated Segmentation of Temporal Bone CT Imaging for Robot-Assisted Microsurgery

Last updated: 3/31/2021 8:41


Surgery within the temporal bone involves maneuvering around small and geometrically complex anatomy, which poses a high risk of accidental injury. This has motivated several groups to build cooperative control robotic systems for temporal bone surgery in an effort to reduce hand tremor, increase economy of motion, and ultimately augment surgeon skill in this space. This project aims to provide an automated system for creating high-quality segmentations of patient temporal bone CTs, which can be used to inform semiautonomous surgical systems about critical patient anatomy that should be avoided.

Background, Specific Aims, and Significance


Operating in the temporal bone and lateral skull base is technically challenging. This region contains a complex geometry of nerves, arteries, veins, the end-organs for both hearing and balance, as well as the cranial nerves responsible for speech and swallowing. To access this region, surgeons drill through varying densities of bone to identify surgical landmarks. In addition to the limited visibility of the surgical field and complex anatomical geometry in this space, critical anatomical structures are often within millimeters of each other.

Due to these conditions, temporal bone surgery poses a high risk of accidental damage to surrounding structures during free-hand procedures. For example, after cochlear implantation, cochlear implantation, 45% of patients experience changes in taste, with 20% of those patients having unresolved symptoms by the end of their follow-up period. In more rare cases, patients also are at risk for facial paralysis due to accidental damage to the facial nerve. Accidental damage to the brain or to the membrane surrounding the brain (dura) can lead to CSF leakage. Damage to the sigmoid sinus, which drains blood from the brain to the jugular vein, can lead to abnormal closure or even clotting of the sinus itself.

One possible solution in mitigating accidental damage to surrounding structures is using a cooperative control robot intraoperatively. Previously, our group in the LCSR has developed such a robot that holds on to the surgical drill, which the surgeon can freely control. Robot-assisted surgery has the potential to reduce hand tremor and limit movement around sensitive structures, thereby increasing patient safety and improving long-term outcomes. However, a key dependency for realizing this technology in the operating room is providing meaningful information about patient anatomy so that the robot can safely guide the surgeon throughout the procedure. Effectively, this means highlighting important structures on patient CT imaging that can be registered to a robotic system.

Previous Work

Our previous work in the LCSR has focused on segmenting CTs through registration methods. By manually segmenting a template CT, we are able to apply deformable registration methods to map (propagate) template segmentations to target CTs that have not been segmented before. These segmentations can then be locally optimized to produce a final segmentation for the target CT. With this method, we are able to achieve submillimeter accuracy for segmenting inner and middle ear structures, with an average surface distance of < 0.2 mm and almost 90% overlap with groundtruth segmentations.

Specific Aims

  1. Generate realistic temporal bone CT data using statistical shape modeling on registered deformation fields.
  2. Implement state state-of-the-art deep learning methods for semantic segmentation of the temporal bone.
  3. To build the largest comprehensively annotated temporal bone CT database to date.


Successful completion of this project will allow for more complete virtual safety barriers for robot-assisted temporal bone surgery. It can also be used to generate patient-specific segmentations as learning cases for junior otologists. Finally, our project has the potential to create the most complete dataset for model training and research.

Aside from the NIH OpenEar dataset, we have the most complete segmentations of the temporal bone compared to any other group that has previously published in this area. In terms of anatomical boundaries of a mastoidectomy, which is the first step in virtually all temporal bone procedures, previous groups have only labeled one: the sigmoid sinus. Our datasets not only label the sigmoid sinus, but also label the surrounding brain and the external auditory canal, which are the remaining mastoidectomy boundaries. By segmenting these areas, a cooperative control robotic system can then be able to apply virtual safety barriers to each of these boundaries, thereby providing for safe drilling throughout the procedure.


Technical Approach

  1. 3D patch based network, with a 2D network as well (unused).
  2. The advantage of 3D convolutions over a 2D ensemble is that spatial information is retained, and there are fewer redundant convolutions, since the 2D ensemble will have to do 2D convolutions over the same voxels but in multiple directions.
  3. This is advantageous especially in cases with extreme label imbalance, as it may reduce the intensity of floating islands or holes.
  4. New bench-marking pipeline developed to standardized medical imaging.
  5. 33 top leader board results for 53 different datasets with this method.

  1. The output of the raw nnUnet has many floating islands. Some post processing can be done to remove this but to do an end-to-end deep learning method we propose to use a GAN type set up to help refine the labels after the generator (nnUNet) network has been pretrained.
  2. The output of the nnUnet is a noisy label, which will be fed into the discriminator along with the ground truth. The discriminator will learn to distinguish the ground truth from the noisy label, and this loss will be added to the overall loss. Then, nnUnet will undergo backprop to further refine the network weights.
  3. The general idea here is that as the generator improves, the noisy labels will look closer to the ground truth labels, and as the generator improves, its adversary (discriminator) will as well.


(describe dependencies and effect on milestones and deliverables if not met)

Milestones and Status

  1. Finalize Ground Truth Labels:
    • Planned Date: 2/12
    • Expected Date: 4/4
    • Status: 75%
  2. Setup Environment
    • Planned Date: 2/19
    • Expected Date: 2/19
    • Status: 100%
  3. Build Statistical Shape Model
    • Planned Date: 2/27
    • Expected Date: 3/17
    • Status: 100%
  4. Finish Data Generation
    • Planned Date: 3/17
    • Expected Date: 4/2
    • Status: 90%
  5. nnUnet Implementation
    • Planned Date: 3/25
    • Expected Date: 4/18
    • Status: 90%
  6. GAN Label Refinement Implementation
    • Planned Date: 4/30
    • Expected Date: 4/30
    • Status: 0%
  7. External Dataset Validation
    • Planned Date: 5/4
    • Expected Date: 5/4
    • Status: 10%
  8. High Quality Dataset Labeling
    • Planned Date: 4/15
    • Expected Date: 5/4
    • Status: 0%
  9. Final Technical Report & Code
    • Planned Date: 5/4
    • Expected Date: 5/11
    • Status: 0%

Reports and presentations

Project Bibliography

  1. Cousins VC. Lateral skull base surgery: a complicated pursuit?. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology. 2008;122(3):221-229. doi:10.1017/s0022215107000436.
  2. Lloyd S, Meerton L, Cuffa RD, Lavy J, Graham J. Taste change following cochlear implantation. Cochlear Implants International. 2007;8(4):203-210. doi:10.1179/cim.2007.8.4.203.
  3. Fayad JN, Wanna GB, Micheletto JN, Parisier SC. Facial Nerve Paralysis Following Cochlear Implant Surgery. The Laryngoscope. 2003;113(8):1344-1346. doi:10.1097/00005537-200308000-00014.
  4. Zanoletti E, Cazzador D, Faccioli C, Martini A, Mazzoni A. Closure of the sigmoid sinus in lateral skull base surgery. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2014;34(3):184-188.
  5. Razavi CR, Wilkening PR, Yin R, et al.. Image-Guided Mastoidectomy with a Cooperatively Controlled ENT Microsurgery Robot. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery. 2019;161(5):852-855. doi:10.1177/0194599819861526.
  6. Sinha A, Leonard S, Reiter A, Ishii M, Taylor RH, Hager GD. Automatic segmentation and statistical shape modeling of the paranasal sinuses to estimate natural variations. In: ; 2016.. doi:10.1117/12.2217337.
  7. Neves CA, Tran ED, Kessler IM, Blevins NH. Fully automated preoperative segmentation of temporal bone structures from clinical CT scans. Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-020-80619-0.
  8. Nikan S, Van Osch K, Bartling M, et al.. PWD-3DNet: A Deep Learning-Based Fully-Automated Segmentation of Multiple Structures on Temporal Bone CT Scans. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2021;30:739-753. doi:10.1109/tip.2020.3038363.
  9. Isensee F, Jaeger PF, Kohl SAA, Petersen J, Maier-Hein KH. nnU-Net: a self-configuring method for deep learning-based biomedical image segmentation. Nature Methods. 2021;18(2):203-211. doi:10.1038/s41592-020-01008-z.
  10. Li, Xiaoguang & Gong, Zhaopeng & Yin, Hongxia & Zhang, Hui & Wang, Zhenchang & Zhuo, li. (2020). A 3D deep supervised densely network for small organs of human temporal bone segmentation in CT images. Neural Networks. 124. 10.1016/j.neunet.2020.01.005.
  11. Gibson, Eli et al. “NiftyNet: a Deep-Learning Platform for Medical Imaging.” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 158 (2018): 113–122. Crossref. Web.
  12. Liu S. et al. (2018) 3D Anisotropic Hybrid Network: Transferring Convolutional Features from 2D Images to 3D Anisotropic Volumes. In: Frangi A., Schnabel J., Davatzikos C., Alberola-López C., Fichtinger G. (eds) Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2018. MICCAI 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11071. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-00934-2_94.
  13. Fauser, J., et al. (2019). “Toward an automatic preoperative pipeline for image-guided temporal bone surgery.” International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 14(6): 967-976.

Other Resources and Project Files

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