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3D ACL Tunnel Position Estimation

We are developing a 2D-3D registration method using post-operative radiographs to estimate the tunnel positions in Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstructions by registering a patient-specific 3D model of knee with two post-operative X-rays. This could facilitate the precise identification of the tunnel locations as well as the perception of their relationship to the topographical osseous anatomic landmarks. The success in developing and validating the proposed workflow will allow convenient but precise assessment of tunnel positions in patients receiving ACL reconstruction with minimal risk of radiation hazard.

The method may also be used in statistical studies to assess variation in surgical technique and their effects on outcomes.


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  1. X. Kang, R. H. Taylor, M. Armand, Y. Otake, W. P. Yau, P. Y. S. Cheung and Y. Hu, “Correspondenceless 3D-2D Registration Based on Expectation Conditional Maximization”, Proc. SPIE 7964, 79642Z (2011). [DOI] (Cum Laude Best Poster Award)