Contact Us
CiiS Lab
Johns Hopkins University
112 Hackerman Hall
3400 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
Lab Director
Russell Taylor
127 Hackerman Hall
Here give a short (1-2 sentence) summary of what the project is about. You may want to include a nice picture (use media upload and link feature). Follow this with the following standard information:
Here give a short 1-2 paragraph description of the problem you are solving. Explain why this is an important problem, to whom it is important, and why. Explain briefly the project's relationship to relevant prior art and other background, giving special attention to the technical context or ongoing work that you are using for your project. I.e., many of the CIS projects are part of, or rely on, ongoing research efforts here at JHU, or they use infrastructure from existing labs. Provide a short numbered list of specific aims. Something along the lines of the following.
Our specific aims are:
Give minimum, expected, and maximum specific, measurable deliverables for the project. If more than one, give a numbered list. Something along the following lines.
Give a short paragraph describing your technical approach to solving the problem. In doing this, you may well want to create and refer to new pages with more detail and link to them with a suitable link. If you want to have a private link (not visible to outsiders), then see Prof Taylor. The basic link syntax for such a link would be description of private link. But we will need to set up some permissions and protections. Check with your mentor to see if this is needed.
Note that you may update this from time to time. Also, note that the more extensive discussions will be in the various reports.
Give a short paragraph describing your results to date. This will most probably be an executive summary of the results reported at greater length in checkpoints or final reports. Note that you may update this from time to time. Also, remember that the more extensive discussions will be in the various reports.
In doing this, you may well want to create and refer to new pages with more detail and link to them with a suitable link. If you want to have a private link (not visible to outsiders), then see Prof Taylor. The basic link syntax for such a link would be description of private link. But we will need to set up some permissions and protections. Check with your mentor to see if this is needed.
Here give numbered list of the bibliographic references for the project. Include links to pdf files wherever possible.
Here give list of other project files (e.g., source code) associated with the project. If these are online give a link to an appropriate external repository or to uploaded media files under this name space.