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CiiS Lab
Johns Hopkins University
112 Hackerman Hall
3400 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
Lab Director
Russell Taylor
127 Hackerman Hall
Last updated: 5/17/17 2:54pm
The system we will be improving consists of a single disc shaped PZT element mounted to the tip of a 14G lumbar puncture introducer needle. The system creates a B-mode image by pulsing the element while sweeping it through tissue and tracking its angular position. The goal of this project is to improve three elements of the real time ultrasound imaging system. By the end of the semester, I hope to integrate the beamforming algorithm and scan conversion for real time imaging, improve the speed of the system by basing the whole system on C++, and adding depth tracking to the device. (Revised goals, see below).
The lumbar puncture (LP) is a clinical diagnostic technique involving the collection of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the subarachnoid space in a patient. In order to successfully collect CSF, clinicians have to blindly yet accurately navigate a needle through the L3-L5 intervertebral space, epidural space, dura mater, and arachnoid mater whilst avoiding nerves, blood vessels, and bone. More than 400,000 LP’s are performed annually but nearly 23.3% end in failure due to the myriad of challenges. These failures lead to misdiagnoses, treatment delays, and subsequent unnecessary and dangerous follow-up procedures. Patients with abnormal spinal anatomy and excess adipose tissue between skin and target structure, namely scoliotic and obese patients, suffer a significantly increased probability of LP failure.
Specific Aims:
Use matlab imaging techniques to develop pseudo realtime data acquisition algorithm. Algorithm simulates real time data acquisition by taking A-lines in (from previously collected data) and processing individually to form a B-mode image.
Need for working PC for realtime data acquisition is required for the maximum deliverable. Will conduct experiments during meetings when I will have access to said machine.