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Computer-Integrated Surgery (CIS I)

Professor Russell H. Taylor

Office: Hackerman Hall 127
Lab: Hackerman Hall B08H
LCSR Executive Director (major adminstrative matters): Lorrie Dodd;; 410-516-0740
Personal Assistant (appointments and routine matters): Ashley Moriarty;;410-516-6841
Office Hours: By appointment

Professor Emad Boctor

Lab: Hackerman Hall B08A
Office Hours: By appointment

Fall 2021 Information

Class times and location

  • Times: Tuesday and Thursday 1:30pm - 2:45 pm
  • Locations: Because of the total number of students this year, we will be teaching the course in two concurrent sections. The material in each section will be identical, and the instructors may switch off.
    • 601.455 will meet in Maryland 310.
    • 901.655 will meet in Hackerman B17.
    • Online - Zoom link will be posted in Blackboard page for EN.601.455.01.FA21

Section and TA office times and location

  • To be determined
  • We will also monitor Piazza

Use of Course Materials

Downloading and retention of materials linked to from this web site is restricted to students who have registered for this course.

Students who have registered for this course are pemitted to download and save a copy of any course materials for their own use. However, they are not authorized to redistribute or transfer any materials to anyone else.

Organizational Information


General Information

Course Concept

This course focuses on computer-based techniques, systems, and applications exploiting quantitative information from medical images and sensors to assist clinicians in all phases of treatment, from diagnosis to preoperative planning, execution, and follow-up. It emphasizes the relationship between problem definition, computer-based technology, and clinical application and includes a number of guest lectures given by surgeons and other experts on requirements and opportunities in particular clinical areas. An optional term project may be undertaken under supervision of the instructor and clinician end users. Although this course is primarily intended for graduate students and advanced undergraduate students interested in doing research in this area, it may also be of interest to medical or qualified premedical students wanting to obtain a broader background in this emerging field.


  • Required: linear algebra or permission of instructor; reasonable skills in programming
  • Recommended: 601.226 or equivalent, image processing, probability or statistics.

Section Information

  • Time - TBD
  • Room - TBD

The section for this course will present supplementary material related to the main lectures and the homeworks. Attendance is not mandatory, but it is recommended for those unfamiliar with the topic to be covered on a given date. Section will not be held every week, but rather when there are important topics which require extra time to cover. The focus of the section will be on presenting techniques that will help you to understand and complete the homework assignments, both written and programming. Topics will generally be posted on the website at least a week in advance. If students have topics which they would like to have sections taught on, they should contact the TA and he will try to incorporate them.

  • 600.145 - Introduction to Computer-Integrated Surgery (not offered recently)
  • 601.456/656 - Advanced Computer-Integrated Surgery (CIS II) – Projects course
  • Computer Integrated Surgery, R.Taylor, S. Lavalee, G, Burdea, R. Moesges, MIT Press, 1995

Grading Policy (subject to change)

  • 4 graded homework assignments (done individually or in teams of 2)
  • 5 programing assignments (done individually or in teams of 2). PA#5 is optional
  • Throw out grade for one of HW#1-3 or one of PA#1-3
  • Grade for optional PA#5 will replace your lowest remaining grade except that you may not throw out both HW#3 and HW#4
  • Numerical grading formula is Max(0.4P+0.6H,0.6H+0.4P), where H is homework average and P is the programming average
  • Letter grade thresholds vary but usually fairly close to 90-80-70
  • Optional project with negotiated modification to formula
courses/455_655.1628085469.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/04 13:57 by rtaylor2