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CiiS Lab
Johns Hopkins University
112 Hackerman Hall
3400 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
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Russell Taylor
127 Hackerman Hall
## Rehabilitation Healthcare Analytics Platform ##
Last updated: April 1, 2016 8:00pm
dwest25 2016/04/1
ReHAP is a decision support system for patient rehabilitation teams. The software employs algorithms that help physical and occupational therapists use patient prioritization factors to optimize care. I am developing web software that will be used by therapy teams at Johns Hopkins Bayview, NYU, and other beta testing institutions in the summer of 2016.
A paragraph or so here. Give background of the problem. Explicitly state specific aims (numbered list is good) and explain why they are important
Owing to an aging American population, the demand for rehabilitation therapy services (RTS) is projected to grow by 26 to 30% over the next decade. While access to appropriate RTS is critical for optimum clinical and operational outcomes, the cost of providing RTS will increase by $7.5 billion (for patients in the hospital) and $32.3 billion (for patients outside the hospital) over the next decade. I am developing a software tool, ReHAP, with a team at the Johns Hopkins Technology Innovation Center and Johns Hopkins Dr. Krishnaj Gourab that will allow hospitals and healthcare systems to successfully manage the costs associated with this projected increase in demand while still delivering appropriate RTS to patients truly in need of such services.
I am building a rails application that will serve as the layer that integrates clinical data, decision support results, and an interface for therapists and managers to interact with the data.
describe dependencies and effect on milestones and deliverables if not met
* here list references and reading material
Here give list of other project files (e.g., source code) associated with the project. If these are online give a link to an appropriate external repository or to uploaded media files under this name space.