This is an old revision of the document!
CIS II Schedule for Spring 2025 (Subject to change)
Note: This schedule is very tentative and will be changed significantly in the first weeks of the course, as projects and project teams are defined. After that, it will be modified as the semester unfolds.
January 21
January 23
January 28
January 30
February 4
February 6
February 11
February 13
February 18
February 20
February 25
February 27
March 4
March 6
March 11
March 13
March 18 - Spring break
March 20 - Spring break
March 25
March 27
April 1
April 3
Checkpoint presentations
Team 23: Vision-based Soft Tissue Modeling for Digital Twin-based Surgical Robotics
Team 22: Natural Language Interface for Surgical Robotic System
Team 21: Digital Twin Representation-based Surgical Phase Recognition
April 8
Checkpoint presentations
Team 20: Diffusion-based Vertebra Reconstruction
Team 19: Spatial recognition and synthetic aperture focusing in real-time, non-contact
Team 18: Advanced ultrasound technologies for prostate cancer: Motion tracking using sparse photoacoustic signals
April 10
Checkpoint presentations
Team 17: dVRK Instrument Segmentation and Pose Estimation through High-Resolution Endoscope
Team 16: Realistic 3D pelvic phantoms and a photoacoustic/ultrasound imaging platform
Team 15: Passivity based Adaptive Human/Robot Interaction for Microsurgery
April 15
Checkpoint presentations
Team 14: Transsphenoidal surgical simulator
Team 13: Simulation Assisted Navigation for Skull Surgery
Team 12: Video-based methods for surgeon’s pose analysis in MIS
April 17
Checkpoint presentations
Team 11: Eye Snake Localization Using Vision
Team 10: Eye Motion Compensation in Robotic Subretinal Injections
Team 9: Automating Robotic Surgical Suturing using RL & IL
April 22
April 24 - Last day of classes
May 5 - Final exam
Final poster/demo session 0900-1200
**IMPORTANT: Project reports due before the poster session (i.e., 0900 on May 5)
The rest will be filled in later